Union Workers' Union - News

February update and election timetable - Union Workers' Union

Written by UWU Gen Sec | Tuesday 2 February, 18:25

Elections 2021

We are delighted to unveil our election timetable for 2021. In line with our commitment to democracy; all existing posts will be up for election this year. The first round of elections is now open and members are encouraged to self nominate for any of the open roles. These are: Executive Member, Women’s Network Convenor, BAME Network Convenor, LGBT+ Convenor, Disabled Members’ Convenor, Workplace Rep, Health, Safety and Wellbeing Rep, Learning Rep, Trustee and Auditor. A full list of role descriptions is available here. Nominations close 12pm Sunday 28th February 2021.  


Members are beginning to be contacted as their initial 12 month membership expires. Please follow the instructions in the renewal email to keep your membership active. 

Write for us

We are looking for contributors for the new UWU blog which will be a weekly how-to or walk through of interesting and topical union issues. Email us to contribute. 

Recent motions

Following the vote at recent all member meeting, the motion on 2021 member subscriptions has passed. Amendments weren’t received meaning the unamended motion was put to the vote and passed unanimously. The motion on support for Corbyn and ongoing issues in the Labour Party also passed. As no amendments were received the unamended motion was put to the meeting, following a lively debate. The actions in the motion have been passed to the Executive for action.  

Next all member meeting 

The next all-member meeting will be Thursday 18th February at 12.30pm.

Solidarity action

Banner Theatre have asked if UWU members would distribute this video flyer as widely as possible. Members can raise this issue with the branches they support or are members of. The campaign is seeking donations and other means of support for the UNISON porters on strike.