Union Workers' Union - News

Election results and a chance to have your say... - Union Workers' Union

Written by UWU Gen Sec | Friday 2 April, 16:21

Happy birthday to us!

Our union was formed informally in 2019. We became an officially listed trade union with the UK Certification Officer on 27th March 2020. Therefore, we have just had our official first birthday. We know the past year has been difficult for many. However, in this time we have seen our union double and double again in both size and reach. This wouldn’t be possible without our committed members. Together, we are building a strong union that is independent, campaigning and member-led. So, Happy birthday to us!   

Call for volunteers

Did you know the UWU now has 34 branches? Under our rules, each employer represents a national UWU branch. We now need active members to step up as volunteer organisers to convene branch meetings and support members with casework. Contact us for a call about what’s involved. 

Election results

Following last month’s election, we can report a 93% ‘yes’ vote for our Executive nominees. Also, 48% of eligible members turned out for this ballot. The incoming Executive will now be considering plans for a General Secretary and Presidential election in the coming weeks. Stay tuned! 

Have your say…

The Green Party is asking trade unions to call on the UK government to establish an all-party parliamentary commission. The recent all-member meeting discussed the call for reparatory justice to address reparations to enslaved Africans impacted by transatlantic trafficking. The meeting determined that this issue represents an important part of wider solidarity work. However, it sits outside immediate industrial issues for UWU members. So, in line with our commitment to direct democracy, the decision on whether to support this call is members’. Is this something we should support? Or should our focus be solely on industrial issues for our members in their workplaces?

Have another say…

The UWU was recently approached by the Global Deal to invite us to become members. The initiative campaigns for social dialogue and inclusive growth and is free to join. The aim of the partnership is to highlight the value of social dialogue and strengthen existing cooperation. Members will receive both electronic ballot papers directly.