sisters to the front

What is #MeTU?

#MeTU is a trade union specific reference to the wider #MeToo social movement against sexual abuse, sexual harassment, and rape culture. The phrase "Me Too" was initially used in this context on social media in 2006, by sexual assault survivor and activist Tarana Burke.

The purpose of "Me Too", as initially voiced by Burke as well as those who later adopted the tactic, is to empower sexually assaulted people through empathy and solidarity, through strength in numbers and by visibly demonstrating how many have experienced sexual assault and harassment, especially in the workplace.

The purpose therefore of #MeTU is to be inspired by those women who have gone before us and carry those tactics forward with trade union employers. We have been left with no choice but to draw attention to the fact that many of us employed by trade unions are not safe in our workplaces and further, we face the additional barrier of ‘shaming’ the movement if we speak out, because politically we are not supposed to wash our dirty linen in public. Shamefully, our employers have taken advantage of that loyalty and commitment to the movement.

This has been the subject of a number of Sisters to the Front network events in the past and resulted in resources.

The origins of the #MeTU hashtag can be traced back to the @CoatsDangerous with a tweet in 2020 linked to the sexual harassment and violence allegations against the General Secretary of the GMB at the time.

Read the original thread

Since then, a specific #MeTU campaign has started alongside Reel News with a video launching their campaign and online meetings. 

Visit the #MeTU campaign website​

#MeTU Allegations of Sexual Violence in the trade union Movement: Support the Campaign

You may be aware of the Reel News video which contains powerful testimony from one of our members Claire Laycock.

[TW: Sexual violence and abuse]

#MeTU: Reel News Video on TSSA Sexual Harassment Allegations.

Claire's testimony set out allegations of a culture of sexism, sexual harassment and drunkenness in the trade union movement: of sexual harassment of staff and others by the General Secretary of the TSSA; of verbal harassment by other senior figures of bullying, harassment and grievances being covered up and silenced by senior management; and of staff being bullied and performance managed out of their jobs, ending with termination agreements in which they cannot speak out. 

The TSSA went to the high court to seek injunctions against Reel News for releasing and publishing the video and personally against Claire for breach of her NDA.

On Wednesday 11 May 2022, a high court Judge threw the injunction out against Reel News and their publisher (excellently represented by the NUJ) and ordered TSSA to pay costs. It means that the video can permanently stay online and we can share it and discuss the allegations within it. 

This is a huge victory, but there is still a way to go and we need all trade union members and those who work for trade unions in particular to play their part in the next steps of the campaign.

Following the release of the video we are hearing of further allegations, as more women from across the trade union movement feel emboldened to reach out as a result of Claire’s incredible bravery.

#MeTu - How to join the campaign

Following the release of the video, we are hearing of further allegations, as more women from across the trade union movement feel emboldened to reach out as a result of Claire’s incredible bravery.

Key actions: