Getting ready to launch the UWU!

Read Time 1 mins | Sunday 5 January, 18:54

Greetings union workers,

Thank you for supporting the UK’s newest trade union. The last few months have been exciting, trying and incredibly rewarding as the core team have worked on creating the Union Workers’ Union. 

Here are a few updates on how things are shaping up. 

Since promoting our website we’ve seen a big spike in traffic. Between September and December we had less than 500 hits. But since the 1st January, we’ve had close to 1000 hits! Union workers up and down the country are signing up to our new union and as the song goes; things can only get better. 

If you haven’t already, please share the link to the website with your colleagues:

All paid staff of UK based unions and professional associations are eligible to join for £20 for the first year. Limited benefits are available as we grow and build a strong union. Paper joining forms and recruitment materials will be available to order soon.

5 reasons to join the UWU to share with your colleagues:

  1. We urgently need an independent union for union workers;
  2. We are campaigning and member-led;
  3. We are the only specialised union supporting all union workers;
  4. We encourage members to remain a member of their existing union;
  5. We only cost £20 for the first year’s membership. 

In other recent news, officers of the UWU met with the government union regulator, the Certification Officer to discuss our application for official listing as a trade union. Exciting times. In recent months the union has submitted various evidence at the request of the Certification Officer and following the recent meeting, we are almost at the finish line. 

The Executive recently decided to await the Certification Officer’s decision before proceeding with our formal launch. However, our Twitter account is set up ready for launch day. Please follow us @unionworkersUK

More updates will follow. In the meantime, thank you for your support and stay tuned. 

In solidarity, 

The UWU team