We did it! We’re officially a union

Read Time 1 mins | Wednesday 8 April, 20:02

We did it! After several months of evidence submission; the Union Workers’ Union is now officially listed with the Certification Officer. This brings to a close, months of work by the core team who have been liaising closely with colleagues in the London Certification Office. Our listing application had to clear some major hurdles following a challenging ruling by the Employment Appeal Tribunal from 2013. The judgement effectively requires new unions to be operating as unions before listing will be granted. Despite the difficulty, we were successful and as of 27 March 2020, the UWU is the UK’s newest union. 

In response to member requests, we have prepared Corona guidance for use in your workplace. The UWU is concerned to learn that a small number of union workers have been furloughed. The unions in question have chosen not to make up pay and pension contributions placing these workers at a considerable financial disadvantage. The UWU does not support this practice however, after some pressure one of the furlough unions relented. The UWu also takes issue with another union deciding to undertake a significant staffing restructure, mid-pandemic. We are liaising closely with our members on an appropriate response. 

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