Money, money, money… MONEY!
Under UWU rules the Executive reviews the subscription rates in October each year. Currently, members can join for £20 for the first year but many of us are reaching the end of this period. Therefore, the Executive has discussed and is now recommending a subscription structure as we move into 2021. Full details are contained on the voting page (members only). The key points are that we want to retain a low first first year joining rate but move members onto a more usual monthly subscription rate rather than a ‘one off’ payment. Additionally, as our union grows and our range of benefits expand, we need our subscription rates to reflect this. Ultimately, the more funding we receive from members, the more our benefits will expand. Please cast your vote!
Busy times
November has been a busy month. Our membership continues to grow, we now have members in 30 different trade unions. Interest in our new union continues to build and we are moving at pace with setting up UWU branches and our phone banking of members. Following input from members we proud to be able to issue UWU guidance on homeworking which can be accessed here (scroll the end of the page).
And the winner is…
Thanks to those who responded to our learning survey. Members expressed a strong preference for evening and Saturday courses but an equal preference around course topics. We’ll kick off with a law update and further dates will be announced in the new year so please, stay tuned.
Oh, Jeremy Corbyn
At the recent all-members meeting a motion was raised in support of JC. As part of the commitment to direct democracy all motions will be voted on by all members.