Demands from UWU members rejected by NEU bosses

Read Time 1 mins | Monday 22 March, 14:51

Last month, the NEU Branch wrote a demand letter to Dr Mary Bousted and Kevin Courtney, Joint General Secretaries of the National Education Union (NEU) calling on a pause to the pension consultation and space for meaningful negotiations to stop cuts to our retirement.  

Read the branch’s demands letter

Read the response from NEU

Statement from the NEU branch:

“As a branch, we are disappointed but not surprised that our demands were immediately rejected and that NEU bosses will only engage with the recognised staff unions.

“Not only are NEU bosses gambling their credibility by throwing aside the advice that they give to their members by conducting a statutory consultation in the middle of a global pandemic, there are serious questions to be answered as to how genuine and meaningful the consultation process can be at this time.

“Statutory pension consultations are the final step to imposing changes – they are not negotiations and we deserve a say on our future pension.  In the absence of calls from the recognised trade unions for a freeze in the consultation process and proper negotiations, UWU members must instead step up to demand better and stop cuts to our retirement.”