Our members’ vision

Read Time 29 mins | Monday 13 December, 16:28

  • Union Workers' Union logo with a member question: What positive change do you want union employers to make in 2022? Response: "It's pretty simple really. I'd like my employer to practice what they preach - on equalities, on outsourcing, on precarious work, on transparency and accountability... and more!"
  • UWU logo next to the question, what positive changes do you want union employers to make in 2022? Member response: Put mental health first. Tackle bad management practice and move away from micro managing. Enable a good pension for people to retire at a reasonable age. Embrace flexible working.
  • UWU logo next to the question: What positive changes do you want union employers to make in 2022? Member response: Follow and implement their own polices. It’s essential to having trust in your employer
  • UWU logo next to the question, what positive change do you want union employers to make in 2022? Member response: Cut the bureaucracy, give staff the freedom to help the members. Less ‘jobs for the boys’ approach, we are sick of behind the scenes stitch ups and nepotism.
  • UWU logo next to question, what positive change do you want union employers to make in 2022? Member response: Really kind and generous working policies and practices
  • UWU logo next to the question, what positive change do you want union employers to make in 2022? Member response: Abolish the practice of fire and rehire.
  • UWU logo next to the question, what positive change do you want union employers to make in 2022? Member response: Standardise pension arrangements across the movement. Union employers to create a single pension scheme maximising benefits to members and minimising risk to funds.
  • UWU logo next to the question, what positive change do you want union employers to make in 2022? Member response: Provide the right equipment to do your job from home.
  • UWU logo next to the question - what positive change do you want union employers to make in 2022? Member response: Promote people on ability, not political affiliation.
  • UWU logo by the question, what positive changes do you want union employers to make in 2022? Member response: A real and tangible commitment to equality and an end to workplace bullying (overt and covert).
  • UWU logo next to question, what positive changes do you want union employers to make in 2022? Member response: Move away from shameful real-terms pay cut and commit to inflation proof pay rises every year.
  • UWU logo next to question, what positive change do you want union employers to make in 2022? Member response: To treat their employees in the same way they insist their members, employed by other employers, are treated by those employers. To accept that it is reasonable for trade union principles to be applied to the way they deal with their own employees. Not just decent pay and number of day's annual leave, but the way they actually treat and deal with the people who work for them. And to stop trying to replicate the worst of the employment practices of often anti-union corporate employers.
  • UWU logo and question - what positive changes do you want union employers to make in 2022? Member response: I want union employers to be the change they want to see in the world. Rather than telling other employers what to do, they should lead the way by example and encourage others to follow.
  • UWU logo next to the question, what positive changes do you want union employers to make in 2022? Member response: To behave like a union to its staff, and not just like many of the employers we represent members with.
  • UWU Logo next to questions, what positive change do you want union employers to make in 2022? Member response: Equality, accountability and transparency.
  • UWU logo next to the question, what positive change do you want union employers to make in 2022? Member response: A lack of opportunity for progression. In my union, anonymous surveys demonstrated many people are disgruntled with their lack of opportunities for career progression, there is still very much an attitude of 'we employ you to do that specific job' and this perpetuates the existence of a significant gender pay gap.
  • UWU logo with question, what positive change do you want union employers to make in 2022? Member response: Too much bureaucracy. This is something that many employees of the union feel, with key decisions often made undemocratically with a top-down approach. Increased consultation with its workers regarding decision making would definitely improve employee satisfaction.
  • UWU logo next to question, what positive changes do you want union employers to make in 2022? Member response: Agree to pay rises on time.
  • UWU logo next to question, what positive change do you want union employers to make in 2022? Member response: Union employers to start practising what they preach on: Flexible working, Equal Pay and Sexual harassment at work
  • To establish channels for innovation and new forms of campaigning and recruitment. To be receptive to union workers who are endeavouring to build in the wider labour movement. To prioritise health & safety and not to return to "business as usual' when Covid rates fall.
  • UWU logo with question, what positive change do you want union employers to make in 2022? Member response: Show some leadership. A four day working week with no loss of pay for all staff.
  • UWU logo next to question, what positive change do you want union employers to make in 2022?  Member response: Protect our jobs, pay and conditions just as we do for our members

As 2021 comes to a close we’ve reached out to our members to ask what positive changes members want union employers to make in 2022 and beyond. Chris Musgrave, UWU General Secretary says:

“The pandemic has presented workers with another difficult year both in the UK and globally. The year ahead promises to be equally as challenging, not least because of the rising costs of living. However, we know union coffers are full following generally rising union membership and millions saved by union employers on mileage, accommodation and subsistence. We will be calling on unions to support their staff by investing in inflation-proof pay and bolstering staff pension schemes into 2022 and beyond. Together, we will hold unions to the standards they set other employers.”

Don’t miss out on making a positive change in the sector – join UWU today!

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