This is an update on our initial statement from 24 November 2022 announcing a dispute with UVW.
UWU has been working right up to the wire to protect members’ interests in redundancy consultation meetings. UWU members continue to believe the consultation was less than meaningful and remain disappointed the consultation did not run for 30 days as requested. Despite this, members have given a cautious welcome to a commitment from UVW’s leadership on some concessions to save jobs.
As a result of these last minute concessions, there will now be no compulsory redundancies at UVW. The required savings have been met by UWU members voluntarily giving up their roles to safeguard the financial future of UVW. However, it is with great sadness that so many dedicated and hard working staff have left UVW. Many members felt they had no alternative following the handling of this crisis and report considerable levels of difficulty and upset in reaching this conclusion.
UWU members have been humbled by the outpour of solidarity from across the movement and believe this support was pivotal in securing a better outcome.
The employer has acknowledged the unprecedented stress this consultation has caused and have offered staff two paid rest days to recuperate. Whilst this does little to redress the damage the employer’s behaviour has done to trust and confidence, UWU members believe it to be a good base on which to rebuild.
UWU members will continue to hold their employer to the same standards all unions demand and look forward to the upcoming investigation which they hope will address the future treatment of staff, how the values of radical trade unionism are upheld and how solidarity is maintained between staff, the leadership and UVW’s wider membership.