Statement on rising fascism and racism in the UK

Read Time 1 mins | Tuesday 3 September, 13:25

In recent weeks, we have witnessed a disturbing surge in fascist rhetoric and racially motivated violence across the UK. As the Union Workers' Union, we stand united in condemning these acts of hatred and bigotry in the strongest possible terms.

Our union was built on the principles of solidarity, equality, and justice. We believe that every individual, regardless of race, nationality, or religion deserves to live and work in a society free from fear and discrimination. The rise of fascism and racism threatens these very principles, undermining the hard-fought rights and freedoms that countless workers have struggled to secure over generations.

The recent attacks, both physical and verbal, against individuals in marginalised
communities are an affront to the values we, as trade unionists, hold dear. These acts are not isolated incidents but are part of a growing trend of hatred that we must confront head-on. Silence is not an option. To remain silent in the face of such injustice is to be complicit in the perpetuation of violence and division.

We call on all members of our union, and indeed all workers across the nation, to stand in solidarity against the forces of fascism and racism. We must be vigilant and proactive in our communities, workplaces, and public spaces, ensuring that intolerance and hatred are met with resistance and solidarity.

To those who perpetuate or condone these acts of violence, let it be known: you are not the voice of Britain. The true strength of our nation lies in its diversity and the unity of its people and we will not allow fascism and racism to tear us apart.

The Union Workers' Union reaffirms its commitment to fighting for a just, equitable, and inclusive society. We will continue to stand shoulder to shoulder with all those who face oppression and discrimination, and we will not rest until the forces of hate are defeated.